


[Pumster] 2019 Year-end party night

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[Pumster] 2019 Year-end party night

Did you finish the year 2019 well? Pumpster enjoyed a year-end party night with subsidiaries at Vesta at the end of December.
This year-end party was a more special night than before. The reason why this year-end party was more special than last year was that a special award was added in addition to the award of excellence, so we were able to see an interesting awards ceremony.

In the special awards, there are various awards such as the Welcome to Ilshin Autoclave First Time Award for New Employees, the 52 Hours Not Enough Award for Working Overtime and Overtime, and the Best 40th Teenager Award this year, so everyone can enjoy receiving awards. It was a place to be.

[Pumster] 2019 Year-end party night

[Pumster] 2019 Year-end party night

After the special award ceremony, which everyone enjoyed, the excellence award was immediately followed.
Pumpster seems to have been the year-end year when employee Bae Seong-joo was even more happy to receive the Excellence Award and the Excellent Department Award under the name of Pumpster.

[Pumster] 2019 Year-end party night

Finally, the grand prize ceremony that everyone has been waiting for is left. There were a lot of people who worked so hard this time, so I was wondering who the grand prize winner was, but the main character was Manager Lee Hyang-suk, the flower of the management department!

As the size of subsidiaries grew, the management department must have been busier than anyone else. I hope that this award will give you a little bit of comfort in your exhausted mind.

The Pumpster employees were able to spend 2019 happily without any major accidents until the end. I hope 2020 will be a year where everyone can do better and grow!